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Avem placerea de a va anunta cea de-a 16-a editie a celei mai importante reuniuni stiintifice in domeniu ce se desfasoara in Romania, Conferinta Internationala “Calitate si Siguranta in Functionare” CCF 2018, va fi organizata – conform periodicitatii deja stabilite – in perioada 26-28 Septembrie 2018 in pitorescul cadru oferit de perla Carpatilor romanesti, statiunea Sinaia, in salile elegantului Hotel Palace, din localitate. Conferinta Internationala “Calitate si Siguranta in Functionare” CCF 2018 este organizata de catre Asociatia Societatea Romana pentru Asigurarea Calitatii in cooperare cu mai multe organizatii nationale si internationale in domeniu si se va desfasura sub egida stiintifica a prestigiosului Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – IEEE.
Autorii trebuie sa aiba in vedere la elaborarea lucrarilor faptul ca in cadrul CCF 2018 pot fi abordate aspecte variate din domenii precum: socio-tehnic, managerial, ingineresc, economic, juridic s.a. si implicatiile calitatii si sigurantei in functionare (fiabilitate, mentenabilitate, disponibilitate, securitate s.a.). In consecinta, diferitele puncte de vedere, inclusiv cele polemice, privind ingineria, managementul si certificarea calitatii si a sigurantei in functionare sunt binevenite in cadrul CCF 2018, organizatorii avand in vedere planificarea mai multor dezbateri si “mese rotunde” asupra unor aspecte controversate ale acestui domeniu interdisciplinar de mare actualitate.
Tematica orientativa a conferintei – prezentata alaturat – doreste sa reflecte progresele, oportunitatile, dar si problemele si provocarile in domeniul calitatii pentru societatea si economia romaneasca la acest debut de mileniu, in conditiile particulare ale crizei economice mondiale: cum poate contribui calitatea ca principal factor al competitivitatii – la iesirea din criza, salvgardarea si rolul sistemelor de management dintr-o companie in conditii de criza, etc. Prin caracterul ei international si, in consecinta, prin participarea unor specialisti cunoscuti in domeniu (in principal din tari ale Uniunii Europene), CCF 2018 poate constitui un veritabil benchmarking si ” moment al adevarului ” pentru organizatiile si specialistii romani: unde ne situam in raport cu celelalte tari ale Uniunii Europene – din punct de vedere al cercetarilor, educatiei, managementului si legislatiei in domeniul calitatii si a sigurantei in functionare si ce avem de facut in aceasta directie.
Temetica orientativa
Managementul calitatii: ISO 9000 dupa doua decenii si jumatate
Managementul mediului: ISO 14000
Managementul sanatatii si securitatii ocupationale: OHSAS 18001
Managementul sigurantei alimentelor: HACCP, ISO 22000
Managementul securitatii informatiei: ISO 27001
Noi abordari: managementul responsabilitatii sociale (SA8000)
Managementul riscului
Sisteme integrate de management
Managementul calitatii serviciilor (invatamant, sanatate, turism, sistemul bancar, etc.) si evaluarea satisfactiei clientilor
Business Continuity Management (BCM)
TQM, Six Sigma, Instrumente ale managementului calitatii
Acreditare (organisme de certificare, laboratoare, personal), certificare (sisteme de management, produse si servicii) si audit
Tehnici moderne de control si evaluare a conformitatii
Evaluarea conformitatii produselor in domenii reglementate
Costurile calitatii (gestiunea calitatii)
Abordari moderne in dependabilitate, rezilienta si evolvabilitate
Fiabilitate (metode matematice, proiectare, fiabilitatea previzionala, experimentala si operationala, fiabilitatea factorului uman)
Mentenabilitate (managementul mentenantei, tehnici de mentenanta preventiva si corectiva, RCM)
Studiul asistat de calculator al calitatii si sigurantei in functionare
Calitate, fiabilitate si securitate in sectorul tehnologiei informatiilor si comunicatiilor (IT&C)
Legislatie si standardizare in calitate si siguranta in functionare
Termene importante
30 aprilie 2018 – anuntarea titlurilor lucrarilor si transmiterea rezumatelor de cate o pagina a lucrarilor (in limbile engleza/romana) la adresele CCF2018@srac.ro (General Chairman CCF2018 – dr. ing. Dan G. Stoichitoiu ) si bacivaro@euroqual.pub.ro (Chairman International Scientific Committee CCF2018 – prof. univ. dr. ing. Ioan C. Bacivarov).
30 iunie 2018 – Transmiterea lucrarilor pe cale electronica la adresele CCF2018@srac.ro (General Chairman CCF2018 – dr. ing. Dan G. Stoichitoiu ) si bacivaro@euroqual.pub.ro (Chairman International Scientific Committee CCF2018 – prof. univ. dr. ing. Ioan C. Bacivarov).
31 august 2018 – Transmiterea cererilor de inscriere
Costuri participare
100 Euro pentru participantii cu lucrari
175 Euro pentru participantii fara lucrari
75 Euro pentru insotitori
Taxa include si coffee-break-urile, mesele de pranz din 26-27.09.2018, cina festiva din 27.09.2018 si CD-urile cu lucrarile CCF 2018.
Taxa nu include TVA.
Plata pentru participarea la eveniment se va face pana la data de 31 august 2018, in lei, la cursul BNR din ziua platii, prin:
– numerar la sediul SRAC (se va elibera chitanta fiscala) sau
– ordin de plata (OP) in contul SRAC RO69BACX0000003001133000 deschis la Unicredit Bank S.A. – sucursala Panduri.
Cazare la Hotel Palace:
Camera dubla 245 lei/zi cu mic dejun si taxe incluse
Camera single 210 lei/zi cu mic dejun si taxe incluse
Rezervarea camerelor se face direct la Hotel Palace tel./fax: 0244.311.542 sau e-mail office@palacesinaia.ro, cu mentiunea “Pentru Conferinta CCF 2018”.
Mai multe informații pe site-ul conferinței, ccf-quality-conference.com.
Program CCF 2018
CCF 2018 – The International Conference “Quality and Dependability”
It is our pleasure to inform you about the 16th edition of the most important scientific reunion in the field that takes place in Romania, The International Conference “Quality and Dependability” CCF 2018 will be held – as periodicity already established – between the 26th – 28th of September 2018 in the beautiful landscape of the Romanian ‘pearl’ of the Carpathians, Sinaia resort, in the elegant halls of Hotel Palace. The International Conference on Quality and Dependability – CCF 2018 is organized by the association Romanian Society for Quality Assurance, in cooperation with several national and international organizations in the field, under the scientific umbrella of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers – IEEE.
Authors should take into account when preparing the CCF 2018 works that can be addressed all sides: engineering, socio-technical, managerial, economic, and legal and implications for quality and safety in operation (reliability, maintainability, availability, security, etc.). Consequently, the different points of view, including the polemic on engineering, management and quality certification and operational safety are welcome in the CCF in 2018, organizers taking into consideration the organization of more debates and “round tables” on some controversial aspects of this interdisciplinary field of great interest.
The conference’s orienting topics – presented here – are aimed at reflecting progress, opportunities, and problems and challenges in the field of quality Romanian society and economy at the beginning of this millennium, the particular conditions of global economic crisis: how can quality contribute as the main factor of competitiveness – to overcoming the crisis, safeguarding the role of the management of a company in crisis conditions, etc.. Through its international character and, consequently, with the participation of specialists known in the art (mainly from EU countries), CCF 2018 can be a real benchmarking and “moment of truth” for organizations and Romanian specialists: where we are in relation with other EU countries – in terms of research, education, management and legislation in the field of quality and reliability and we have to do in this direction.
CCF Topics
1. Quality management: ISO 9000 after two and a half decades
2. Environmental Management: ISO 14000
3. Occupational Health and Safety Management: OHSAS 18001
4. Food safety Management: HACCP, ISO 22000
5. Information Security Management: ISO 27001
6. New approaches: management of social responsibility (SA8000)
7. Risk management
8. Integrated Systems Management
9. Quality management services (education, health, tourism, banking, etc.) and evaluation of customer satisfaction
10. Business Continuity Management (BCM)
11.TQM, Six Sigma, quality management tools
12. Accreditation (certification bodies, laboratories, staff), certification (management systems, products and services) and audit
13. Modern control and conformity assessment techniques
14. Conformity assessment in the mandatory area
15. Quality costs (quality management)
16. Modern approaches in dependability, resilience and evolvability
17. Reliability (mathematical methods, design, prevision, experimental and operational reliability, human factor reliability)
18. Maintainability (maintenance management, preventive and corrective maintenance techniques, RCM)
19. Computer-aided study in quality and dependability
20. Quality, reliability and security in the IT&C industry
21. Legislation and standardization in quality and dependability
Important deadlines
The 30st of April, 2018 – Announcing the papers’ titles and sending the summary of one page of the paper (in English/Romanian) via e-mail at the addresses CCF2018@srac.ro (General Chairman CCF2018 – PhD. eng. Dan G. Stoichitoiu) and bacivaro@euroqual.pub.ro (Chairman International Scientific Committee CCF2018 – prof. univ. PhD. eng. Ioan C. Bacivarov).
The 30st of June, 2018 – Sending the paper registrations for CCF 2018 (the registration form can be found on www.srac.ro ) and of the papers in extenso via e-mail at CCF2018@srac.ro (General Chairman CCF2018 – PhD. eng. Dan G. Stoichitoiu) and bacivaro@euroqual.pub.ro (Chairman International Scientific Committee CCF 2018 – prof. univ. PhD.eng. Ioan C. Bacivarov).
The 31st of August, 2018 – Submitting applications
Participation fees
100 Euro for participants that present paper-works
175 Euro for participants who do not present a paper-work
75 Euro for companions of the participants
The fees include coffee breaks, lunches in the 26th and 27th of September 2018, festive dinner in the 27th of September 2018 and the CDs with the CCF 2018 paper-works.
Accommodation can be booked at Palace Hotel, Sinaia:
Double room 245 ron/day, breakfast and local taxes included
Single room 210 ron/day, breakfast and local taxes included
Booking shall be made directly at Palace Hotel, Sinaia: phone/fax: 0244.311.542; e-mail: office@palacesinaia.ro, with the specification “for CCF 2018 Conference”.
More information on ccf-quality-conference.com.
CCF 2018 Agenda
Articolele prezentate de membrii Laboratorului EUROQUALROM:
- Sabina Daniela AXINTE, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Enhancing the Quality of a Web Application Through Responsive Design
- Marian FIROIU, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Multicriterial Analysis of the Assets of a Critical System in the Management Process of Information Security
- Iuliana TUDOR, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Modelling and Analysis of the Survivability of Telecommunication Networks
- Iuliana TUDOR, Analysis on Telecommunication Network Survivability Based on Stochastic Petri Net
- Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Five Decades of High-Level Technical Education in Quality and Dependability
- Cristian PASCARIU, Ionuţ-Daniel BARBU, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Network Security Monitoring with Embedded Platforms