Articole științifice

Articole științifice elaborate de membrii colectivului EUROQUALROM


  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, Cătălina Gherghina, A New Approach in the Development of Quality Management Systems for (Micro)Electronics, Proc. SPIE 10010, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies VIII, 100102W (December 14, 2016), doi: 10.1117/12.2246109
  • Cătălina Gherghina, Angelica Bacivarov, Ioan C. Bacivarov, Gabriel Petrică, “E-learning platform for automated testing of electronic circuits using signature analysis method”, Proc. SPIE 10010, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies VIII, 1001030 (December 14, 2016), doi: 10.1117/12.2246109
  • Radu BONCEA, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Security in Internet of Things: Mitigating the Top Vulnerabilities, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Vol. XXII, Issue 85, January-March 2016, Pp. 11-17
  • Ionuţ-Daniel BARBU, Cristian PASCARIU, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Threat Intelligence Based Security Operations Centers, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Vol. XXII, Issue 88, October-December 2016, Pp. 11-16
  • Dragoș VÂRŞESCU, C. PATRICHE, N. DUMBRĂVESCU, M. BÂZU, I. BACIVAROV, Reliability Tests for Switches Used in Telecommunication Networks, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Vol. XXII, Issue 88, October-December 2016, Pp. 27-32
  • Radu BONCEA, Ioan BACIVAROV, A System Architecture for Monitoring the Reliability of IoT, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 143-149
  • Ionuţ-Daniel BARBU, Cristian PASCARIU, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Migration of a SOC to SIC Security Operations Center vs. Security Intelligence Center The use of Honeypots for Threat Intelligence, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 150-155
  • Cristian PASCARIU, Ionuţ-Daniel BARBU, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Secure Smart Cities, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 161-166
  • Angelica BACIVAROV, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Mihai PAULIŞ, Online Platform for Reliability Data Processing, , Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 167-175
  • Marian FIROIU, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Physical and Logical Security Risk Assessment Procedure for SMEs, according to ISO/IEC 27005:2011 and SR ISO 31000:2010 Standards, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 194-206
  • Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI, Ioan BACIVAROV, Analytic Study on Cyber-Attacks Structure, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 211-217
  • Gabriel PETRICĂ, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Using Digital Signature to Ensure Information Security, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 225-232
  • Sabina-Daniela AXINTE, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Maintenance Testing of a Software Product, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 237-243
  • Marian FIROIU, Ioan BACIVAROV, On Physical and Logical Security Risks Management in the Context of Convergent Security, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 244-253
  • Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Josselin GADSAUDES, Systems Reliability and Safety Analysis Using Fault Trees. A FTA Software Packages Comparison, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 332-333
  • Dorina Luminiţa COPACI, Angelica BACIVAROV, On the Ensuring the Resilience in Communication Networks, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 218-224
  • Cătălina GHERGHINA, Angelica BACIVAROV, VoIP – Nowadays Gateway for a Better Unified Communication, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 14th-16th, 2016, ISSN 1842-3566, Pp. 233-236


  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, The Standard ISO 9001:2015. Changes and Challenges, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Anul XXI, Numărul 81, Ianuarie-Martie 2015, pag. 2-7, ISSN 1224-5410
  • Sabina-Daniela Axinte, Alice-Cristiana Alexandru, Ioan C. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, Quality Management Systems Implementation Based on Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Anul XXI, Numărul 82, Aprilie-Iunie 2015, pag. 2-8, ISSN 1224-5410
  • Dorina Luminiţa Copaci, Angelica Beatrice Bacivarov, On Design of Resilient Internet Communication Networks, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Anul XXI, Numărul 82, Aprilie-Iunie 2015, pag. 26-32, ISSN 1224-5410
  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, The Standard ISO 9001:2015 – A Milestone in the Evolution of Quality Management, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Anul XXI, Numărul 83, Iulie-Septembrie 2015, pag. 2-4, ISSN 1224-5410
  • Marian Firoiu, Ioan C. Bacivarov, CORAS – O platformã de analizã a riscului pentru sistemele critice, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Anul XXI, Numărul 84, Octombrie-Decembrie 2015, pag. 16-23, ISSN 1224-5410


  • Costel Ciuchi, Angelica Bacivarov, Ioan Bacivarov, Laura Iancu, “Evaluating the Survivability and Security of Complex Web Systems”, U.P.B. Scientific Bulletin, Series C – Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 76, Issue 1, 2014, ISSN (print): 2286-3540, ISSN (online): 2286-3559
  • Ioan C. BACIVAROV, “Nine decades of modern quality. Walter A. Shewhart – A life devoted to quality”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 78-85, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Ionuţ-Daniel BARBU, Ioan BACIVAROV, “The Heartbleed Bug – a vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptographic library”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 100-109, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI, Ioan BACIVAROV, Gabriel PETRICĂ, “Comparative study on cyber security assurance models”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 110-117, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Virgil Liviu Mircea ILIAN, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, “Rethinking robotic arms for research: a reliable, high precision, low cost design”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 197-200, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Costel CIUCHI, Angelica BACIVAROV, Ioan BACIVAROV, “On analysis of security and survivability of complex web systems”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 237-244, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Constantin-Eugen CORNEL, Angelica BACIVAROV, Ioan BACIVAROV, “Software fault tree reliability analysis using a Java-based reliability library”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 245-250, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Laura IANCU, Ioan BACIVAROV, “On security of mobile communication networks. A critical analysis of ZUC algorithm”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 251-258, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Cătălina GHERGHINA, Angelica BACIVAROV, “Interactive mobile telecommunications systems”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 259-268, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Ioan BACIVAROV, Marian FIROIU, “New framework for security risks management and asset protection in the context of ISO 31000:2009 standard”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 278-287, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Sabina-Daniela AXINTE, Alice-Cristiana ALEXANDRU, Ioan BACIVAROV, “Implementation of quality management system using QFD analysis”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 288-293, ISSN 1842-3566
  • Dorina-Luminița COPACI, Angelica BACIVAROV, “On design of resilient communication networks”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, Romania, September 17th–19th, 2014, pp. 305-312, ISSN 1842-3566


  • Costel Ciuchi, Angelica Bacivarov, “Instrumente manageriale în asigurarea securităţii sistemelor informatice”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 73, Ianuarie-Martie 2013, pag. 2-7, ISSN 1224-5410
  • R. Lupan, C. Robledo, I. C. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Quality Politics: Costs and Return of Investments”, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Anul XIX, Numărul 75, Iulie-Septembrie 2013, pag. 14-22, ISSN 1224-5410
  • Angelica-Beatrice Bacivarov, “Reliability Considerations at Nanometer Scale”, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Anul XIX, Numărul 75, Iulie-Septembrie 2013, pag. 23-27, ISSN 1224-5410
  • Cătălina Gherghina, Angelica Bacivarov, “Identification des défauts par la méthode de l’analyse de la signature”, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, Anul XIX, Numărul 76, Octombrie-Decembrie 2013, pag. 14-23, ISSN 1224-5410
  • Laura Iancu, Ioan Bacivarov, “Encryption in Mobile Communications. ZUC Algorithm”, IJISC – International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime, vol. II, no. 2, December 2013, pp. 7-18, ISSN 2285-9225


  • Ioan-Cosmin Mihai, Angelica Bacivarov, Ioan C. Bacivarov, “On Virtual Machine Survivability Analysis”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 69, Ianuarie-Martie 2012, pag. 11-18
  • Laura Iancu, Ioan C. Bacivarov, “Asupra securităţii reţelelor de comunicaţii mobile LTE”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 71, Iulie-Septembrie 2012, pag. 28-31
  • Costel Ciuchi, Laura Iancu, Gabriel Petrică, Ioan Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Asigurarea survivabilităţii sistemelor informatice complexe”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 72, Octombrie-Decembrie 2012, pag. 2-11
  • Virgil L.M. Ilian, Ioan C. Bacivarov, “A Reliability Management Technique for Autonomous Robots”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 72, Octombrie-Decembrie 2012, pag. 26-28
  • Virgil L.M. Ilian, Ioan C. Bacivarov, “Administration of Faults in an Autonomous Robot Using Leaky Integrators”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 72, Octombrie-Decembrie 2012, pag. 29-32
  • Alin MIHALACHE, Fabrice GUERIN, Mihaela BARREAU, Ioan BACIVAROV, Angelica BACIVAROV, “Dependability Estimation of Mechatronic Systems”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 53
  • Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, “Analysis of the Main Types of Cyber Attacks in Romania”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 98
  • Virgil L.M. ILIAN, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, “Using Leaky Integrators in the Administration of Faults in an Autonomous Robot”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 192
  • Virgil L.M. ILIAN, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, “Fault Tree Analysis as a Reliability Management Technique in Autonomous Robots”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 196
  • Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI, Angelica BACIVAROV, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, “Survivability Analysis Based on Attack Models”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 200
  • Laura IANCU, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, “Researches Concerning Security in LTE (Long Term Evolution) Mobile Networks”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 289
  • Costel CIUCHI, Laura IANCU, Gabriel PETRICĂ, Angelica BACIVAROV, “Vulnerabilities and Risk Analysis in Document Management Systems”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 297
  • Costel CIUCHI, Laura IANCU, Gabriel PETRICĂ, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, “Development of a Decisional Strategy on Complex Systems Survivability”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 310
  • Angelica BACIVAROV, Ioan C. BACIVAROV, “Strategies for the Implementation of Resilient High Functional Importance Socio-Technical Systems”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 330
  • Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Angelica BACIVAROV, “Media Quality Management Certification. New Approaches”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – PROCEEDINGS of the 13th International Conference in Quality and Dependability – CCF2012, Neptun, September 5th–7th, 2012, pag. 363


  • Angelica Bacivarov, Ioan C. Bacivarov, “Cercetări privind rezilienţa sistemelor socio-tehnice”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 65, Ianuarie-Martie 2011, pag. 17-26
  • Irina Adjudeanu, Ioan Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Statistical Multivariate Process Control based on FNAD Methodology”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 67, Iulie-Septembrie 2011, pag. 9-13
  • I. C. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Actualities and Perspectives in Mobile Communications”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 68, Octombrie-Decembrie 2011
  • I.C. Mihai, Angelica Bacivarov, “Attack Models for Virtual Machine Survivability Analysis”, Journal of Criminal Investigations, vol. 8, 2011, pp. 101-112, ISSN: 1844 – 7945
  • Sorin Voiculescu, Fabrice Guerin, Ioan C. Bacivarov, “A Study of Exponential-Arrhenius Model”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 66, pag. 26-32
  • Irina Adjudeanu, Ioan Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Statistical Multivariate Process Control based on FNAD Methodology”, Revista “Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance”, nr. 67, Iulie-Septembrie 2011, pag. 9-13


  • R. Lupan, C. Robledo, I.C. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Quality Politics – An Immaterial Investment for Companies in (Micro)Electronics”, in The 5th edition of the International Conference Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, 26-29 August 2010, Proc SPIE (ISI Proc)
  • F. Babus, A. Kobi, T. Tiplica, I. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Control of Non-Gaussian Populations”, in The 5th edition of the International Conference Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, 26-29 August 2010, Proc SPIE (ISI Proc)
  • C. Ciuchi, Angelica Bacivarov, G. Petrică, “Dezvoltarea unui model decizional într-un sistem socio-tehnic complex”, Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance, nr. 63, iulie-septembrie 2010, pag. 12
  • I. Bacivarov, V.L.M. Ilian, “The paradigm of utilizing robots in the teaching process – a comparative study”, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, ISSN: 0957-7572 (print version), Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters, IMPACT FACTOR: 0.286 (2009) (accepted for publication)
  • Angelica Bacivarov, I.C. Bacivarov, “Researches Concerning the Dependability of Socio-Technical Systems”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY PROCEEDINGS of the 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability Sinaia, September 22th–24th, 2010, pag. 290
  • Angelica Bacivarov, C. Ciuchi, G. Petrică, “Building a Decisional Model in a Complex Socio-Technical System”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY PROCEEDINGS of the 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability Sinaia, September 22th–24th, 2010, pag. 129
  • Luminiţa Copaci, A. Copaci, Angelica Bacivarov, “Methods to ensure Resilience in Communication Networks and P2P Overlay”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY PROCEEDINGS of the 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability Sinaia, September 22th–24th, 2010, pag. 286
  • I.C. Mihai, I.C. Bacivarov, “The Virtual Machines Survivability”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY PROCEEDINGS of the 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability Sinaia, Romania, September 22th–24th, 2010, pag. 117
  • I.C. Mihai, I. Bacivarov, “E-learning Systems Security”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY PROCEEDINGS of the 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability Sinaia, Romania, September 22th–24th, 2010, pag. 278
  • I.C. Bacivarov, Louis Balme, “Media Quality Management Certification – An Innovative Approach”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY PROCEEDINGS of the 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability Sinaia, Romania, September 22th–24th, 2010, pag. 303
  • V.L.M. Ilian, Ioan C. Bacivarov, “Reliability and Safety Issues of Telepresence and Teleoperated Robots”, QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY PROCEEDINGS of the 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability Sinaia, Romania, September 22th–24th, 2010, pag. 124
  • A. Mihalache, Nash Equilibrium. The Software Piracy Case. Optimum Q, (3) 2010
  • Mihalache A., Ionescu V., Theory of satisfactory decisions and its application to conflict resolution, COMMUNICATIONS 2010, 10-12 June 2010 Bucureşti, ROMANIA, IEEE Catalog Number:CFP1041J-ART, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6363-3
  • A. Mihalache, L’espace intermédiaire des cultures de l’est: Colloque Métamorphoses et permanences de la culture, Lyon, décembre 2010
  • A. Mihalache, L’économie chancelante s’appuie sur la cyberculture triomphante: Colloque Communicartion Culture, Bucarest, juin 2010
  • I. Năstac, Utilizarea retelelor neuronale artificiale in prognoza economica, in cadrul Seminarului de Modelare Macroeconomica al Intitutului de Prognoza Economica al Academiei Romane, 4 Mai 2010
  • Nastac, I., and Tuduce, R., “An Adaptive Intelligent Model for Nucleotide Sequence Forecasting”, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Communications, Control & Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2010), Special Session, SS 3-4, March 3-5, 20101, Limassol, Cyprus, 2010 IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10824-CDR. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-6286-5).
  • Nastac, I., “An adaptive forecasting intelligent model for nonstationary time series”, Journal of Applied Operational Research (2010), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 117–129 (ISSN 1735-8523).
  • Nastac, I., Neural Networks and Optimization – at the Doctoral Consortium of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR’10), 25-27 August 2010
  • Sandu O., Nastac, I., and Uribarri J., “Incremental Predictive Value of Noninvasive Vascular Assessments Over Traditional Risk Factors in Patients with Hypertension, Diabetes and Renal Disease”, American Society of Hypertension, 2010 Annual Scientific Meeting (ASH 2010), 25th Anniversary, 1986–2010, Hilton, New York, May, 1-4 2010.
  • Nastac, I., “A flexible forecasting intelligent model for non stationary time series”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR’10), 25-27 August 2010, Lecture Notes in Management Science, vol 2, 2010, pp. 78-89 (ISSN 2008-0050).


  • I. Nastac, Angelica Bacivarov, A. Costea, “A Neuro-Classification Model for Socio-Technical Systems”, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, vol. XI (2009), no.3, pp.100-109, ISSN 1582-6163
  • R. Lupan, A. Kobi, Ch. Robledo, I. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Quality assurance and management in microelectronics companies: ISO 9000 versus Six Sigma”, Proc. SPIE Vol. 7297, 72972L, pp. 72972L-72972L-6
  • Al. Mihalache, F. Guérin, Mihaela Barreau, Al. Todoskoff, I. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “A method for reliability estimation of heterogeneous systems”, Proc. SPIE Vol. 7297, 72972H pp. 72972H-72972H-10
  • Luminiţa Copaci, C.A. Copaci, Angelica Bacivarov, “Rezilienta rutarii in retelele P2P”, Conferinţa Internaţională EDUCAŢIE ŞI CREATIVITATE PENTRU O SOCIETATE BAZATĂ PE CUNOAŞTERE, Ediţia a III-a, Bucureşti, 19-21 noiembrie 2009
  • I.C. Bacivarov, M. Firoiu, “Managementul protecţiei infrastructurilor critice”, in Calitatea, vol.10, nr.10, ISSN: 1582-2559, articol în revistă recunoscută CNCSIS categoria B+
  • Mihalache, A., Ionescu, V., Optimal Time Management. Optimum Q, 3(2009)
  • Mihalache, A., To Tax or not to Tax. What is it Worth? Masaryk Journal of Law and Technology, 3 (2009)
  • Mihalache, A., Communauté et communité, Étude anthropologique des communautés virtuelles. Colloque Communication-culture, Bucarest, Juillet 2009
  • Mihalache, A., Ionescu, V., How Technology Undermines Economy. The Digital Piracy Case. IFAC Conference, bucharest, October 2009
  • Mihalache, A., L’espace intermédiaires des cultures de l’est. La sensibilité remise en pages. Colloque Permanences et métamorphoses des cultures. Lyon, décembre 2009
  • Arsene, O., Cristea, P., Tuduce, R., Dinca, A., Nastac, I., Nicolau, D., and Fulga, F.: “Software for the local description of molecular surfaces by using advanced Java technologies”, The 6-TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORY AND APPLICATIONS IN MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS (ICTAMI 2009), Alba Iulia, Romania, September, 3-6, 2009
  • Sandu, O., Nastac, I., Radbill, B., Shapiro, R., Windston, J. and Uribarri, J.:” In patients with renal disease, structural carotid artery features greatly enhance prediction of cardiovascular outcome and are linked with endothelial dysfunction irreversibility”, 11th International Conference on Dialysis, Advances in CKD, Las Vegas, USA, January 2009


  • Angelica Bacivarov, I. C. Bacivarov, “Asupra sigurantei in functionare a sistemelor socio-tehnice tolerante la erori/defectari”, in ASIGURAREA CALITATII – QUALITY ASSURANCE, anul XIV, numarul 56, pp. 12-19, ISSN 1224 – 5410
  • Dan G. Stoichiţoiu, Ioan C. Bacivarov, “Joseph M. Juran – Un om pentru istoria calităţii”, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2008, MEDIAREX, 2008, ISSN 1842-3566, pg. 28-37;
  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, “Standardele ISO 9000, vector al revoluţiei în domeniul calităţii”, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2008, MEDIAREX, 2008, ISSN 1842-3566, pg. 38-47;
  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, Marian Firoiu, “Managementul protecţiei infrastructurilor. Aspecte privind securitatea reţelelor de comunicaţii electronice”, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2008, MEDIAREX, 2008, ISSN 1842-3566, pg. 72-78;
  • Angelica Bacivarov, Gabriel Petrică, “Reliability Modeling of a Complex System Considering Human Factor”, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2008, MEDIAREX, 2008, ISSN 1842-3566, pg. 115-120;
  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Un proiect de cercetare interdisciplinar în domeniul siguranţei în funcţionare a sistemelor socio-tehnice reziliente”, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2008, MEDIAREX, 2008, ISSN 1842-3566, pg. 128-136;
  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, Ioan-Cosmin Mihai, “Survivability Analysis of Informational Systems”, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2008, MEDIAREX, 2008, ISSN 1842-3566, pg. 151-158;
  • C. Ciuchi, Angelica Bacivarov, Ioan C. Bacivarov, G. Petrică, “Decisional Strategies and Algorithms”, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2008, MEDIAREX, 2008, ISSN 1842-3566, pg. 159-163;
  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, Fabrice Guerin, “Reliability of Optical Communication Systems. On Transmission Quality Evaluation”, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2008, MEDIAREX, 2008, ISSN 1842-3566, pg. 164-168;
  • Florentina Lincă, Angelica Bacivarov, Ioan C. Bacivarov, “Risk Management in Complex High Functional Importance Systems”, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2008, MEDIAREX, 2008, ISSN 1842-3566, pg. 280-288;
  • Florentina Linca, Ioan C. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, “Analiza riscului in sistemele tehnice complexe”, revista “Asigurarea Calitatii” nr. 53/2008
  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, “Un OM pentru istoria calitatii. Seniorul calitatii mondiale Joseph M. Juran a trecut in eternitate”, revista “Asigurarea Calitatii” nr. 53/2008


  • I.C. BACIVAROV, Angelica Bacivarov, Asupra fiabilitatii retelelor de telecomunicatii ISDN, in Asigurarea calitatii – Quality Assurance, ISSN 1224-5410, vol.XIII (2007), no. 49, pag. 18-25
  • Angelica-Beatrice Bacivarov, A Soft-Error Tolerance for Submicron Circuits, Quality Assurance, ISSN 1224-5410, vol.XIII (2007) no. 51 / July – September 2007, pp. 24-30
  • Angelica Bacivarov, Fault tolerant techniques for integrated circuits in submicron and nanotechnologies, Proc. SPIE 6635, 66350B (2007)
  • Fl. Babus, A. Kobi, Th. Tiplica, I. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, Control charts for Non-Gaussian distributions, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6635, 66350I (May. 8, 2007)
  • Angelica Bacivarov, Boundary-Scan Design for Testability Techniques, in Proc. of the 13th International Symposium For Design And Technology Of Electronic Modules, ISBN 978-973-713-188-1, pp. 17-22
  • I. C. Bacivarov, Impactul certificarii ISO 9001 in randul consumatorilor, Calitatea – acces la succes, nr 1-2, 2007, pag. 11-16, ISSN 1582-2559, cod CNCSIS 688
  • I. C. BACIVAROV, Calitatea o stare de spirit europeana, in Asigurarea calitatii-Quality Assurance, ISSN 1224-5410, vol. XIII (2007), no. 49, pag. 2-4
  • Ioan C. Bacivarov, ReSIST: Resilience for Survivability in IST. An European Network of Excellence Quality Assurance, ISSN 1224-5410, vol. XIII (2007) no. 51 / July – September 2007, pp. 30-31
  • I.C. Bacivarov, I.C. Mihai, Survivability – A New Business Perspective on Security, A XII-a Sesiune de Comunicari Stiintifice a Cadrelor Didactice a Universitatii Romano-Americane cu participare internationala, Bucuresti, 18-19 mai 2007, in Lucrarile Conferintei “Cresterea competitivitatii economice a Romaniei in contextul integrarii in Uniunea Europeana”, Ed. Pro Universitaria, 2007, ISBN 978-973-129-095-9
  • Ioan BACIVAROV, Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI, Analiza survivabilitatii retelelor de calculatoare, A XIII-a Sesiune de Comunicari Stiintifice a Serviciului Roman de Informatii cu participare internationala, Bucuresti, 15-16 martie 2007, in Lucrarile Conferintei “Dinamica intelligence-ului, provocari, oportunitati si prioritati”, pag. 241-254, Ed. A.N.I., 2007, ISBN 978-973-7610-34-8
  • I.C. Mihai, I.C. Bacivarov, Software Quality Attributes, Lucrarile celei de a XXXII-a Sesiuni de comunicări ştiinţifice cu participare internaţională a Academiei Tehnice Militare, “TEHNOLOGII MODERNE ÎN SECOLUL XXI” , Bucuresti, 1-2 noiembrie 2007
  • I.C. Mihai, I.C. Bacivarov, Asupra evaluarii survivabilitatii retelelor de calculatoare, Lucrarile Sesiunii de comunicări ştiinţifice a Academiei Naţionale de Informaţii – ediţia XIII, 15-16 martie 2007
  • S. Voiculescu, F. Guérin, I.C. Bacivarov, Life testing of electronic components: a Bayesian approach, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6635, 66351C (May. 9, 2007)
  • Florina Babus, Teodor Tiplica, Abdessamad Kobi, Ioan Bacivarov, SPC Techniques for Non Gaussian Processes, 13th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, august 2-4, 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA
  • Florina Babus, T. Tiplica, A. Kobi, I.C. Bacivarov, A SPC Approach for Non-Gaussian Processes, Proc. of the 13th International Symposium For Design And Technology Of Electronic Modules, ISBN 978-973-713-188-1, pp.6-13
  • Mihalache, A., Méthode pour évaluer la qualité des actifs intangibles, Optimum Q, nr. 1-3 2007, pag. 63-69
  • Mihalache, A., Is Intellectual Property Sacred? Masaryk University journal of Law and Technology, vol 1, nr. 1, 2007, pag. 81-96
  • Mihalache, A., Cameralism. Its relevance for the information Society. Cyberspace Conference, Brno, Nov 2007
  • Ionescu V, Mihalache A., CAMERALISM: and E-GOVERNMENT The 32nd International Scientific Conference ”Modern Technologies in the XXI century”,Bucharest, 1-2 Nov. 2007, ISBN 978-973-640-1275 Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Mihalache, A., Is Cyberspace Private, Public or Common? Conference on Cyberspace Law, Vienna, 2007
  • I. Nastac, E. Dobrescu, E. Pelinescu, Neuro-Adaptive Model for Financial Forecasting, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (ISSN 1222-5436), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 19-41, 2007
  • I. Nastac, A. Costea, A retraining procedure application for data prediction, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering (ISSN 1454-234x), vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 15-24, 2007
  • I. Nastac, P. Cristea, ANN Flexible Forecasting for the Adaptive Monitoring of a Multi-Tube Reactor, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2007) (ISBN 978-961-248-029-5 and IEEE Catalog No. 07EX1858C), Maribor, Slovenia, pp. 205-208, June 2007
  • P. Cristea, R. Deklerk, J. Cornelis, R. Tuduce, I. Nastac and M. Andrei, ANN Prediction of Nucleotide Sequences Link of Principal Component Analysis to Fourier Transform, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2007) (ISBN 978-961-248-029-5 and IEEE Catalog No. 07EX1858C), Maribor, Slovenia, pp. 73-78, June 2007
  • P. Cristea, R. Tuduce, I. Nastac, J. Cornelis, R. Deklerk, M. Andrei, Signal Representation and Processing of Nucleotide Sequences, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (IEEE BIBE 2007) (ISBN 1-4244-1509-8 and IEEE Catalog No. 07EX1893), Boston, USA, pp. 1214-1220, October 2007
  • C. Tugui, T. Teodorescu, A. Crivat, I. Nastac, Digital Electrocardiograph, Proceedings of the International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packages (SIITME 2007) (ISBN 978-973-713-188-1), Baia Mare, Romania, pp. 287-291, 2007


  • I.C. BACIVAROV, O metodă de analiză a fiabilităţii reţelelor digitale de telecomunicaţii cu integrarea serviciilor, the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2006
  • I.C. BACIVAROV, Angelica BACIVAROV, O metodă de analiză a fiabilităţii reţelelor digitale de telecomunicaţii cu integrarea serviciilor in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2006, MEDIAREX, 2006, ISSN 1842-3566, pag. 339-346
  • I.C. BACIVAROV, Angelica BACIVAROV, On the Analysis of Strategic Alliances, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2006, MEDIAREX, 2006, ISSN 1842-3566, pag.381-389
  • Angelica BACIVAROV, Fault Tolerant Techniques in Submicron Logic Circuits, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2006, MEDIAREX, 2006, ISSN 1842-3566, pag.281-287
  • Fl. BĂBUŞ, A. KOBI, T. ŢIPLICA, I.C. BACIVAROV, Current troubles of control charts application under non gaussian distributions, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2006, MEDIAREX,2006, ISSN 1842-3566, pag.322-329
  • A. MIHALACHE, F. GUERIN, M. BARREAU, A. TODOSKOFF, I.C. BACIVAROV, Reliability building of mechatronic systems, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2006, MEDIAREX, 2006, ISSN 1842-3566, pag.315-321
  • Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI, On Principles of Survivability, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2006, MEDIAREX,2006, ISSN 1842-3566, pag.295-303
  • S. VOICULESCU, F. GUERIN, I.C. BACIVAROV, Bayesian inference and a closed form for maximum of likelihood for Arrhenius exponential case, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2006, MEDIAREX, 2006, ISSN 1842-3566, pag. 393-399
  • I.C. BACIVAROV, P. SVASTA, Gestion thermique pour composants et modules electroniques, in QUALITY and DEPENDABILITY – Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability, Sinaia, 2006, MEDIAREX, 2006, ISSN 1842-3566, pag. 365-377
  • Angelica Bacivarov, Fault Tolerant Techniques for Integrated Circuits in Submicron and Nanotechnologies, ATOM-N 2006, The 3rd edition of the International Conference, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, 24-26 November 2006, Bucharest, Romania
  • F. Babus, A. Kobi, Th. Tiplica, I.C. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov, Control Charts for Non Gaussian Distributions, ATOM-N 2006, The 3rd edition of the International Conference, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, 24-26 November 2006, Bucharest, Romania
  • S. Voiculescu, F. Guérin, I.C. Bacivarov, Life Testing of Semiconductor Devices. A Bayesian Approach, ATOM-N 2006, The 3rd edition of the International Conference, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, 24-26 November 2006, Bucharest
  • Tiplica, T., Verron, V., Kobi, A., Nastac, I., “FDI in Multivariate Process with Naive Bayesian Network in the Space of Discriminant Factors”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation – CIMCA 2006, Sydney (29 Nov. – 1 Dec.), Australia


  • Camelia Popescu, Paul Svasta, Angelica Bacivarov, MINERVA PROJECT – AN EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH REGARDING THE QUALITY OF A LEARNING PROCESS, The 11 th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Modules– SIITME 2005, September 22-25, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pag. 5-8
  • Angelica Bacivarov, On Reliability of Submicron and Nanoelectronic Devices, in Proceedings of SPIE, Advanced Topics on Optoelectronics Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies II, vol. 5972, ISBN 0-8194-5991-7, p. 302-307, Aug 2005
  • Angelica Bacivarov, Interwoven Redundancy in Submicron Electronic Circuits, in Proceedings of The 11th International Symposium for Design And Technology of Electronic Modules – September 22-25, 2005, Cluj-Napoca ROMANIA, pp. 36-40, ISBN 973-713-063-4
  • Dobrescu, E., Nastac, D.I., and Pelinescu, E.: ”Exchange rate forecasting using an adaptive neural technique”, EC2 Conference 2005: Econometrics of Financial and Insurance Risks, Istanbul, December 2005
  • Nastac, D.I., and Cristea, P.: “Neuro-Adaptive Forecasting for Nonstationary Sequences”, Proceedings of IEEE-SOFA 2005, Szeged, August 2005, pp. 179-186. (ISBN 963-219-001-7)
  • Nastac, D.I., and Cristea, P.: “DNA Sequences Forecasting using an Adaptive Retraining Procedure”, Proceedings of International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing (GSP 2005), Bucharest, July 2005
  • Nastac, D.I.: “A Neural Network Adaptive Algorithm for Economic Forecasting”, Proceedings of the 7-th International Conference on Informatics, Bucharest, May 2005, pp. 612-616. (ISBN 973-8360-014-8)


  • Angelica Bacivarov, On Reliability of Submicron Integrated Circuits, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, Mediarex 21, Bucharest, 2004, pp. 103-107
  • Angelica Bacivarov, On Design for Testability. 2004, in Proceedings of The 10th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packages, Sept.23-26, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 110-114
  • Nastac, D.I., and Costea, A.: “A Retraining Neural Network Technique for Glass Manufacturing Data Forecasting”, Proceedings of IJCNN 2004, Vol. 4, IEEE Print, Budapest, July 2004, pp. 2753-2758
  • Nastac, D.I., and Costea, A.: “A Neural Network Retraining Approach for Process Output Prediction”, Proceedings of SCI 2004, Orlando, Florida, July 2004, pp. 388-393
  • Nastac, D.I., Collan F.Y., Back B., Collan M., Kuopio T. and Jalva P.: “Breast cancer prediction using a neural network model”, Proceedings of World Automation Congress (WAC) 2004, Seville, June 2004
  • Nastac, D.I.: “Adaptive Forecasting with Retrained Neural Networks”, Proceedings of EUNITE 2004, Aachen, Germany, June 2004, pp. 458-466
Actualizat: 28.9.2024, 21:53 | Afișat: 9.8.2013, 19:44