International Workshop “Education and Training in Quality. European Dimensions”

Oradea, 27-28 May 1999

The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of scientific and technical papers covering education and training in quality field in Europe and to exchange views and ideas within this area.

This international workshop will be organized under the aegis of the European Joint European Project TEMPUS-PHARE S_JEP 11300 “EUROQUALROM” by the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest and the University of Oradea with the support of the Romanian Academy and in cooperation with several European and Romanian and educational, professional and industrial organizations in quality field.

Sixteen high level partners (universities and organizations working in the field of quality from Romania and seven EU countries: France, Italy, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Greece) take part in this  important European project.

Of particular interest are the contributions to the workhop on the following topics:
– Quality Management Teaching in Engineering Education
– Quality Assurance of Courses/ Validation Elements Related to Quality
– New Learning Technologies (Multimedia, Computer – Aided Teaching, Open and Distance Learning)
– Quality in Engineering and Economical Higher Education
– Quality Training for Industry
– Evaluation and Quality Tools (Teaching and Learning Improving, Quality Criteria in Education)
– Impact of Quality on Effective Funding
– Total Quality Management – Credibility between Universities/ Employees/ Authorities and its Impact to Academic and Professional Recognition through Quality Evaluation
– Strategic Planning and Quality

A debate on strategies for education and training in quality and dependability will be organized in the last day of the workshop. TEMPUS “EUROQUALROM” technical committees will arrange working group meetings in connection with the workshop. The official language of the workshop will be English and a Proceedings will be published.

The selection of the papers will be done by an International Program Committee which includes, among others, Professors A. Barreau (ISTIA Anger, France), B. Courtois and Louis Balme (INP Grenoble, France), A. Golcalves (University Aberta Lisbon, Portugal), Ton van der Wiele (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands), R. Duchamp and R. Gautier (ENSAM Paris, France),  Michele Cano (university of Paisley, U.K.), K. Dervitsiotis (University of Piraeus, Greece) a.o.

Oradea is beautiful city situated in Transylvania, Romania and several cultural events and industrial and touristic visits will be also organized.

Actualizat: 14.8.2013, 13:47 | Afișat: 29.5.1999, 13:38